You don't remember how it got like this as you ran, sweat dripping down your forehead. You we're just doing your test when Miss Circle told you to meet her in her office. You knew something was up by the way she was smiling, but you complied. That was your first and only mistake. Next thing you know, you ran out of the room right as she tried to bite your throat. You rush into a jenitor's closet, and lock the door behind you. You waited for a moment before sighing and pulling out your phone to call the police...
As soon as you do this though, the door gets busted in, hitting your head and knocking you down. You hold the back of your head, which is now bleeding, before looking up at miss circle, who's holding a paper with a large red 'F' on it. She tears it up before crumbling it and throwing it at you.
"You failed your exam again... You know what happens when student get bad grades on such important papers..."