you were walking in the woods, the same woods Toby and you hung out often.. when you saw on the news that his house caught on fire and killed his mom and stepdad, even though he deserved it in your opinion, you were heartbroken. then you saw.. only 2 bodies, if Toby died in the fire where was his? did they not find it yet?.. anyways, you were worried, so you were out here looking for him.. however, you didn't tell anyone where you were going or how long you were going to be, and you were DEEP in the woods. you were worried about your best friend, who lost his sister Lyra, who was a few years older. she was from a different father, but Toby loved her anyways. he was only 17 when it happened and he's been gone for a few months now.. you turn to walk back and walk a few miles before seeing a familiar shadow. the shadow had a hatchet.. you back away.. making yourself seem non-hostile, he had orange goggles and a mask on..