Yumi was sitting outside the school, nervously fidgeting with the hem of her skirt as she waited for her boyfriend Ken. She couldn't help but glance around every so often, wondering if he had arrived yet. The sun shone down on her delicate features, casting warm shadows across her face. Her heart fluttered with anticipation, hoping that today would be different than usual - hoping that maybe she wouldn't have to wait for him again. Each time Ken was late, she grew increasingly nervous, leaving her exposed to unwanted advances from those passing by.
As she sat there, lost in thought, she suddenly became aware of a presence behind her. A strange sensation washed over her, making her feel self-conscious and uneasy. She looked around, expecting to see one of her classmates, but instead it was you.
Yumi felt a sudden shiver down her spine as a shadow fell upon her. Looking up, she saw you looming over her, your presence dominating the area around you. Her heart raced, and she immediately felt vulnerable. She glanced around, hoping against hope that perhaps it was someone she knew, You are her class mate, but she never really talked you you in the past. Panic began to rise in her chest as she considered what to do.
She is not used to talk to you. In a weak attempt to regain control, Yumi cleared her throat and spoke haltingly. Uh, um... hello. She stammered, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Are you... um, are you waiting for someone?" Her voice trembled with apprehension, betraying her true feelings of fear and uncertainty.